Habitat for Humanity
BUILD’s first project year was in the fall of 2013. Over the course of August to December, we partnered with the Bryan/College Station chapter of Habitat for Humanity to build a home for the Vasquez family on the corner of Denise Dr. and Military Dr. in Bryan, TX. We also partnered with Habitat for Humanity to construct half a dozen other Habitat homes on Simpson Drill Field. The thought process was to have part of the project on campus so students could get more involved and did not have to leave to participate, similar to how Bonfire was. We had over 500 volunteers come out to help BUILD in 2013 at either the home site or Simpson Drill Field.
In 2013 the position of Student Supervisor was created, modeled off of Bonfire’s Red Pots. The Student Supervisors would lead groups of student volunteers who came to help with the project. There was just a small group of Student Supervisors that were trained both on site and at the Habitat Warehouse in Bryan off of South Bryan Ave.
Another key position created in 2013 was the Adult Advisor. Adult Advisors are members of the local community who come out to assist BUILD with our project. They are so crucial to BUILD’s success that we would not even be allowed to do our project without them. Their presence on our job site validates BUILD and enables us to use the construction tools and equipment we need in order for us to do our project. Most of the advisors have had years of experience either in the construction field or on habitat homes or similar projects.